See how he's grown! And that is completely understandable since we estimated that he was born in June, 2023--so Teddy was only about 9-months old when he was rescued by some folks in the Hale Center area after he wandered up to their farmhouse. Later on, I talked to a hunter who confirmed that someone had left their Saluki mix behind after their hunt. Good Grief! He's healthy and ready to move in. Teddy is a bit nervous until he gets his sense of safety. He's pretty good on the leash and seems to get along with the other dogs. His prey drive isn't off the charts--so he might be okay to live with smaller dogs and possibly cats if the right family is willing to work with him. He's coming out of his shell and becoming more affectionate. Look at how young he is and what a stunning little guy. He's smaller at about 55 pounds. He loves to chase toys in the turnout yard--and he can run very fast!

The dogs highlighted below have had some interesting lives. They have survived despite several odds. All of them are remarkable and distinct--we know you will love adding one or even two to your family. Contact us today and give one of our rescues the GREYT LIFE they deserve!

 Riley is a wonderful mixture of love and loyalty. She had lived with a family for three years. There was an issue with a "working dog" that also lived there and they were forced to relinquish her since the working dog was affiliated with their employment. Since that time--she has been adrift. A "foster home with intention to adopt" didn't work out. Riley was over-protective of the single Mom and wouldn't accept sharing her with her young child and their family dog. We think the safest bet for Riley's next home is one without other pets and younger children. A family or couple that can share the care of Riley would be ideal as she would bond equally with both of them. Another option might be a single person that is aware of her bonding tendencies and taking small precautions such as social situations away from home and realizing that it may take some extra training or considerations if another person joins their lives. Riley is great on walks--she loves car-rides and pet-pets. She weighs about 50 pounds and is just adorable with a strong resemblance to the Wolfhound breed, but in miniature. Riley thinks it's fun to romp in the yard and then she jumps into the pool and creates her own splash-pool! She is about 4-years old and healthy. Riley was originally rescued from the ranching country near Coleman, Texas, in 2021.

DNA Results

Anna Suzanna

Sally, Adopted in 2023

When we rescued Shiner from the Canyon, TX animal shelter in June--two things had me worried. First of all, is he really a sight-hound since he was shorter and stockier. DNA proved him to be an interesting mixture; it's the "working-class Whippet" in his bloodlines that accounted for his body build. And second--what happened to this little guy's right, front leg? The x-rays showed an incomprehensible injury and his bones aren't aligned. Yes--it hurt and No-surgery seemed like a risky choice since it might not work and then we would have to amputate his leg. The solution is a monthly Librela injection--and let me tell you--it has made such a wonderful difference in his life. I've added some action shots of him taken about 2 weeks after his last injection. This little guy will steal your heart--he loves to play fetch! That happy demeanor and winning smile--that's Shiner's true personality. He's good on the leash, great in the car, and feels well enough to trot around the yard and play with toys. We do see evidence of a healthy prey drive--so we will need to take that into consideration when placing him. Shiner is about 2-years old. A Whippet--wow!


Nicknames-Brom and Brom-the Bomb! He was a successful racer in Australia. He took a 19-hour plane ride and landed in Lubbock. He's a wonderful dog and here is the link to his racing history. Yes, he was successful and pretty full of himself. But over the past 18 months--he has settled into a routine. We have listed some guidelines to help you decide if he might work out for you. Brom's 6th Birthday was August 7th. 

Bromley wants you to know that he has been told that he has issues with sharing things. He would do better as an only dog to avoid conflict. Also, he might get irritated with small children if they tried to take his toys. His new family will appreciate his love of crates--a 48-inch long would be awesome. He is wonderful on walks and he loves them--but he can see a bunny 100 yards away--one time he was stalking a chickadee bird--this guy has a well developed prey drive!  His human must be attentive. Brom will relinquish treasures relunctantly--so have a plan--I use substitution and he drops it for a nice treat. Affectionate and entertaining--adopt Brom and show him the way. He's healthy and about 65 pounds.

Cotton, Looking for Love and a place to bury his hedgehog! 

Run, Cotton, Run!

Cotton and Buck are brothers. Cotton is lighter-colored. They were relinquished on the same day this past Spring and the hunter said the only other option for him was to send them to a rattlesnake- infested ranch near Post, TX. We felt bad for them and took them in. They turned 6-years old in April. Cotton is more outgoing. Buck is a bit insecure especially in new settings. They are good on the leash and yes--they have well developed prey drives since their last gig was hunting coyotes in eastern New Mexico. They do not need to be placed together and yes, they are very handsome. I added a couple of action shots of Cotton including his favorite activity which involves finding someplace to bury his favorite toy--the hedgehog. Give Cotton an ear-rub and he will be your friend forever!

The breeder let me know that his hunting dogs are frequently around his grandchildren--which is very helpful to take into consideration if your family includes children.

We found a home for Buck--he seemed to be a better fit for Sidney--but it was a close decision. SO--NOW WE WOULD LIKE TO FIND A HOME FOR COTTON. Maybe he would fit in with your family--let me know if you are interested and I will add new photos this week. He's very handsome and might be a bit confused since Buck moved away. They were in adjoining pens at the kennel. (I kept Buck's information on the post and from all accounts he has settled in nicely.) And here's an interesting factoid--we found a home for their sister-Sally, in 2023. We found out they were siblings from our DNA testing--I expect you will see the resemblance and also, FYI-Sally lives in a home with small children and is doing very well.

"Let's find me a home! I promise to be a good girl." Anna has lots of potential--but, she has a few issues that we have to take into consideration with placing her. She might be okay with a male dog--but seems snarky with females. Ideally, she would be an only dog. She loves to run and play in the yard and is easy to walk on the leash. Suzie is her new nickname--and the Queen is another one--since she can seem a bit imperious. She hasn't been tested with cats or small dogs and we do see some evidence of a prey drive--though it doesn't really show up when she's walking as she is very focused and gentle on the lead. She is small at only 43 pounds. Her metabolism is excellent. She has lots of stamina due to her smaller size. Anna Suzanna was found out loose near a fracking operation. We think she is 3-4 years old.